Poet and Priest

First thing to say is that’s not Teddy Roosevelt. Not that there’s anything wrong with TR, awesome in multitudes, though there is as he’s human: being wrong being both feature and bug — that is, a selling point no matter how we view it, Watch a screen 19 seconds to see. This screen’s view is other. Mercy burns. Find the fire.

Things Are Not
What They Seem

(Ask Seek Knock)

I don’t even know how to sell your email address.

Mistaken at Best 51% of the Time

Reluctant Socialite

Words. Thoughts, Mostly. Worth a Peek.

The American Poet

In evangellyfish circles there used to be a joke thus — Let us now turn to Malachi, the Italian prophet. The joke works if you say chi the way we’re supposed to say Qi if it’s the Chinese thing. And it works, though my Italian wife will die on the bruschetta with a hard “k”

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Whispers and Words

My dad died in my sleep. 2:35 AM in an upstate New York hospice; 11:35 PM in a Southern California house. A text saying to call and two voice mails I still haven’t listened to and speaking was as a sunrise. New but not unexpected. * Who’s the dust in this scenario? Remember, O Man, that thou art but

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Kim Possible

All the while watching Mad Men seemed to me the question was ‘Would Don Draper be redeemed?’ Breaking Bad was running roughly concurrently and the same question with an otherly alliteration was being posed: ‘Would Walter White be damned?’ The answer to the first was quintessentially postmodern, exquisitely childish, and thereby perfect — neither. Or, as an actual

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The Country for Old Men

Walter Hartwell White is going to hell. Whatever else happens — whoever dies in the shootout, no matter what-all happens in the final three episodes, whatever he’s planning to do with the ricin recovered from his burned out house — that’s a fact. In fact, Breaking Bad creator Vince Gilligan said that was the point, one which

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