Poet and Priest

First thing to say is that’s not Teddy Roosevelt. Not that there’s anything wrong with TR, awesome in multitudes, though there is as he’s human: being wrong being both feature and bug — that is, a selling point no matter how we view it, Watch a screen 19 seconds to see. This screen’s view is other. Mercy burns. Find the fire.

Things Are Not
What They Seem

(Ask Seek Knock)

I don’t even know how to sell your email address.

Mistaken at Best 51% of the Time

Reluctant Socialite

Words. Thoughts, Mostly. Worth a Peek.

For M

The great story is the search by the lover for the beloved. I love M. I am in love with M. [angry as well; in love and in pain, simul.] To love as Christ loves. (ask, seek, knock). God pursues. Christ stands. Spirit groans. I am he. I seek her even if she will not

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Game Face

F Buechner on the faces we will meet or do not … T.S. Eliot read by Sir Anthony Hopkins … Helen of Troy, beauty + danger … 3D-printed face shields … Melania Trump … Cassavetes … Gangsta … FDA … … ah, but we find this hard

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Do Piece — Anger (Buechner)

Of the Seven Deadly Sins, anger is possibly the most fun. To lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over your tongue the prospect of bitter confrontations still to come, to savor to the last toothsome morsel both the pain you are given and the pain you are giving

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Total Recall

Don’t stop me if you’ve heard this one … There was a woman who claimed to talk with God — not to Him, but with Him. The tale was well-told around town, in which there was also a priest. The priest one day after Mass asked to speak with the woman and when they’d settled

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