Your plan is not working, they say.
Ah, but my plan is working, we respond.
(I just haven’t fully implemented it, yet … )
But look at the results you’re getting, they say.
Things a’gonna change, just you wait, comes our reply.
The truth is, our plan is working. Mine is, yours is, theirs is.
Look at the results I’m getting? This is what you say to me?
My system is perfectly designed for the results I’m getting.
My plan is executing at top efficiency — it’s the wrong plan.
Need a new plan.
Same man … new plan.
Or check with different men?
Change things one or more at a time.
Rip it all out and start over from scratch.
Pick any one.
It’s not really the definition of insanity …
(though it may be an illustration of this … )
(and it is actually the punch line to a joke … )
(“I didn’t think he’d jump again,” the guy said.)
The problem might not be that your plan isn’t working.
The problem might be that it’s working only too well …