Around the House

Fat Man

One night I watched about half of “Extreme Makeover: Personal Edition.”  Or something like that.

It was about body renovations instead of housing, which is an interesting way to extend the brand.  I can’t help wondering if as they pitched the idea a guy didn’t say, “Heh, heh — fat people … house … get it?”

There is a sense in which this is quite OK. It’s as OK as I am fat. That’s saying a thing.

Even more OK was that I watched it while at the gym. It was a Monday evening, and the 24 Hour Fitness was still pretty crowded. And no that’s not a product placement — they aren’t paying me anything yet.

It was the All-Star Break but the networks milked it with the homerun derby. Used to be there were two days in the calendar (before and after the All-Star Game) where no major sport had any event.  But that was too long to go without hitting us up for our eyeballs — and I say this as someone who follows baseball.  Robinson Cano beat my boys Adrian G. + David Ortiz.  But we’ll take the Series this year, so he can have this one.

The guy on the show — not yet a man in any sense of the word that makes sense — was in major straits.  He wasn’t at Death’s Door; he was in the foyer and headed for the kitchen.

His first three-month goal was to lose 110 pounds. That’s not much when you have 490 to work with. A quarter-ton. It was weird to see someone who weighed 50% more than me. I didn’t know how to work with it, so I just watched.  There seemed to be a minimum of the schmaltz, probably because they had so much work to do.  They couldn’t even waste much time on milking our eyes (again, the same as MLB!).  Still, they managed. He broke down, once in the first half hour.

Made his goal though. At 490, his BMR was at least 4900, unless the formula breaks as it has to deal with larger numbers. With even a modicum of movement, he’s into mid-5000 territory, which means even 2000 calories in and a bit of exercise = a pound a day. Do it, every day, for 90 days, and you’re already 85% to 110.  Water and waste could easily take you the rest of the way.

I’m not downplaying this: he did something, pardon the expression, huge. After 90 days I saw him weigh 380 pounds.  That must have felt amazing. He was still 50 pounds heavier than I am — but he lost basically the amount I want to lose.  It can be done.

I’ve noticed before that these shows do something intense — and give fat people another excuse, namely, “Well, yeah, if you move away for three months, quit your job, go on TV, have all your expenses covered … ” blah blah blah.

We fat people didn’t get this way accidentally, and I mean that in many ways — including alluding to our ability to make excuses, form narratives, that both justify and extend our fatness.

The Fat Guy is about as overweight (Met Life be damned) as the guy on the screen.

I was on the elliptical at the time.

I kept walking.


Can We Tawk?

Comedienne Joan Rivers’ catchphrase was, ‘Can we talk?’ with all that that entails — its rhetorical nature, the Jewish thing, an implication that at least one of the parties will be better off for having done so … Like God. T’other day a priest spoke of ontological remembrance, the immediate and ongoing memory of past-present-future

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Hide and See

Something lost, Dallas Willard said once, might yet be very valuable. One’s car keys for instance. He was speaking somewhat in the context of salvation, if I recall … the general point was calling something lost doesn’t mean it’s not wanted — quite the opposite. Yet it remains … until finding its way out or being found

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Greater Love Blah Blah Blah

Do we doubt locals thanked them for their service? I’m not equating the two. They were wrong; glad we crushed them. Only noting it’s likely they thought as much about such things as we do, which is to say not much. German citizens who believed their leaders, loved their country, watched their sons get on

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Dark Eyed Life

According to @CitizenScreen, doing yeoman’s* work daily on Twitter* relative to the Golden Age of film, today is the birth date of Mabel Normand, Hedy Lamarr, and Dorothy Dandridge — Normand: New York, 1892 Lamarr: Vienna, 1914 Dandridge: Cleveland, 1922 — which makes for coupla at least interesting, if not compelling or fascinating at the

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Norm’s is the kind of restaurant where across the street there is a long car wash, a 12-unit apartment building, a donut shop open most of the hours Norm’s is open, a strip mall with a “Luxury Day Spa” between the cigarette store and the cut-rate auto insurance broker: “Free SR-22 Filings!” the sign says. It’s

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No It Won’t

I don’t think that quotation means what we think it means. Beauty will not save the world and anyway Dostoevsky didn’t say it and anyways he didn’t mean it neither. The line that’s led to our clichéd abuse of the idea’s akin to ‘Eskimos have 418 words for snow’ and ‘it takes 21 days to

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I Am The Fat Guy

One New Year’s Eve I was in Big Bear with friends. I was in college and we’d been coming up the mountain for a few years, first at Mike’s, then at Andy’s. It didn’t take much for us to decide to drink while we were up there, but we weren’t hardcore, as far as I

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Why Not Two Cupcakes?

Something we know well and another I know little. Remember … re-member … before we begin Dallas Willard on knowing — namely … named-ly … not intellectual apprehension but interactive relationship. Each and both come from the same aim: good and right and lovely when well and harmful on all counts when not, as is

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The Fat Guy And Food

The Fat Guy does not particularly like food. There are gourmands, who also are likely to be massively obese — think Mario Batali, who can be easily envisioned in one of those old “Faces of Death” videos, hammering the monkey trapped in the middle of the dining table and scooping brains out of the not-yet-dead

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I Am The Fat Guy

One New Year’s Eve I was in Big Bear with friends. I was in college and we’d been coming up the mountain for a few years, first at Mike’s, then at Andy’s. It didn’t take much for us to decide to drink while we were up there, but we weren’t hardcore, as far as I

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The Fat Guy and Buttons

Buttons are the bane of the Fat Guy’s existence. Buttons leave gaps when the Fat Guy’s fat rolls jiggle around and peek through them. Buttons catch on drawer pulls, come undone at the belly, and are generally uncooperative. Buttons are generally on costlier clothing, which means the Fat Guy is spending too much money on

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