Lapsed Pray-er

Lapsed Prayer

When I pray in the morning I often lapse into The Jesus Prayer. The link notes the Eastern Orthodox connection and its basic form —

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God,
have mercy on me, a sinner

— though it seems actually to come in different shapes and colors, some slightly longer and more formal, and some as minimalist as —

Son of God save me!

This is how it often appears in the Gospel for instance, when there is — literally, as the kids say these days — nothing else the person can do but ask for God Incarnate to step in and for God’s sake, Jesus … do something!

It feels interesting to consider someone addressing God directly with a request, while also invoking God as the reason it can be granted. But it’s the part that feels not interesting but … off … like coleslaw turned, that I want to mention for a minute.

Because I said lapsed into, and not, just for instance, launched into the prayer.

And because we find followers praying it in the Gospels when they have nothing left.

Why do we always wait until the last possible minute to lapse into contact with God?

When I’m praying in the morning, I lapse into it — I do. I’ve momentarily run out of things to say, and I want to keep praying, so I toss a simple cry for mercy out there while I figure out what else is on my mind. I really don’t want to go down the and golly I’m always asking for stuff lament often made over prayer. I trust (literally) we’re supposed to ask for stuff, and I do.

But why not start with this one instead of as filler?

Why not launching into it instead of lapsing into it?

It’s the same reason I don’t do it until there’s nothing else left to do. Deeply, I don’t want contact with the living God. I mean … shoot … of course I do, but it’s there, right? It’s in there. I wait until I’ve got nothing, and lapse into it, because I’ve got my own ideas about how this goes.

More next time.


What I Recalled Watching Netflix

[Television is educational.]   One Saying the same stuff over and over looks like you have different things to say. Two If you’re ever in a below-average film or streaming series, and you beat the tar out of a guy, in a house, and you gaze down in both some shock as also a certain

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Seeking the King

A line everywhere misattributed to Chesterton reads thus: The young man who rings the bell at the brothel is unconsciously looking for God. This line is not from the great [several senses of the word] man who recently celebrated his 150th birthday, but the mid-century most unmodern novelist Bruce Marshall. The words — which do

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He’s the Guy

Those social media posts of ‘this moment in this famous film was totally unscripted!!!’ as if that by itself makes it better miss the point. Moat unscripted material, like most ideas, inventions, ideas, notions, &c … fails — such is the nature of creativity: the best stuff, it is devoutly to be wished, sticks around;

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‘Round Here

Imagine someone, potentially anyone, even you, perhaps, but let us, in any case, say. Yes, you. You pull into the diner – Earl’s, Norm’s, Dinah’s, something like that. A sort-of Googie architecture … but maybe not quite, as if it’d been a little late for the Space Age, and late is the one thing you

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Giant in the Land

Dallas Willard revised his affairs yesterday, moving to the headquarters of the Kingdom of the Heavens to live slightly nearer to God, whom he spoke of, served, embodied. The life he continues to live today. Unceasingly infused, this life was and is. For these ideas and Our Lord were everywhere in what Dr. Willard said

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Finding Level

Relationship finds its own level. Generally it looks like we [and others] choose — a boy’s entreatment rejected, an attorney makes partner, 158 million of us vote — but there is a finality to much that we ostensibly do. This is how such absurdities as determinism gain purchase, how authors can talk and be misunderstood

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Not a Eulogy

(A Eucatastrophe) * Love the words, my friends. Pay attention to the words, I say. Christians don’t die One reason we know this is Jesus said it. In John’s account he told Michael: “You shall never taste or see death” (Indeed, as the Psalmist says, “taste and see that the Lord is good.”) Another reason

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Idea: Inspiration

They asked Newton* how he did it and he’s supposed to have said, I thought about it all the time.  * Yes, it’s Archimedes. Keep reading. Inspiration is for amateurs. Chuck Close You can’t wait for inspiration. You have to go after it with a club. Jack London Inspiration exists, but it has to find you working.

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Lookit! Lookit! Lookit!

Don’t see my sin, Lord. Look at Jesus on the cross, Father … then look at me. Look at Jesus Christ risen, Father … then look at me. Look at Jesus ascended, Father … then look at me. Amen.

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Ark Of The Christian Life

Not God is the phrase they use in AA for realizing we are, well … not God. And no, I’m not an alcoholic. No really — I’m not. Not God is also the answer to the question, WTF? What is wrong with people, this place, my parents, and our upbringing, education, choices and decisions, and probably

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Christians and Atheists

Christians create atheists when we do evil in God’s name. (props to Dennis Prager, who wrote: “Nothing creates atheism as much as evil done in God’s name.”)

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I See That Hand

We imagine Thomas even doubted himself. When the other disciples said Christ had risen, this earnest empiricist first said, “unless I see” … then he realized it wasn’t enough. So he demanded to “thrust my hands into His side.” For Thomas, seeing wasn’t believing. But touch … that he had hopes for. * Seeing isn’t

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