For M

The great story is the search by the lover for the beloved.

I love M.
I am in love with M.

[angry as well; in love and in pain, simul.]

To love as Christ loves. (ask, seek, knock).

God pursues. Christ stands. Spirit groans.

I am he. I seek her even if she will not be found. Better to die in pursuit and hope — even pursuit and none — than giving up. Better to live in patient persistence than in forsaking and forgetting.

The Return is the great journey.

Into Mordor.
Destroy Ring.
Back to Shire.

… and they seemed to him but a few days because of the love he had for her.


Virtue grows from grace; grace flows from marriage.

I love M because I don’t want to live in a world where I don’t.

With Puddleglum I believe in Aslan though there is no Aslan to believe in.

Our flourishing is obedience in God, fidelity to our promise, love for each other.


14 July 19

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