Can We Tawk?

Comedienne Joan Rivers’ catchphrase was, ‘Can we talk?’ with all that that entails — its rhetorical nature, the Jewish thing, an implication that at least one of the parties will be better off for having done so …

Like God.

T’other day a priest spoke of ontological remembrance, the immediate and ongoing memory of past-present-future God has with regard to us, which act and fact produces our eternal existence in the way He intended.

God speaks, and stuff exists.

He keeps talking, and it continues to exist.

He remembers, and it lives forever.

I checked with another priest who said yeah, sounds pretty good, but maybe the last two are one thing, in kind of an ongoing activity, and really, for that matter, he said then, it all works together, all three are in a sense the same dealio [I paraphrase] and are, actually, one.

Which makes sense if we know anything about the Trinity, which we kinda don’t, at least much.

Close enough for a blog.

Which, by the way, is just a people talking.

When we speak, like here, say, ideas get notioned.

Not at all the same dealio, not even for Ms Rivers.

Talking with God is sort of a hybrid, and He digs it.

Lily Tomlin, another lanky comedienne with a grating voice, had it right:
We can talk to Him, which is praying, and He can talk to us, and it is not crazy.

It’s a way of getting onboard with His stuff, gradually moving our stuff closer to his, and like that.


Speaking of speaking, I’m now on Substack. An idea here is expanded on here, and likely in following days’ posts.

As with all my ‘social’ save Facebook, which doesn’t allow such, look for it @PoetAndPriest or with the search term. You know what to do.


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