Silence is the real.
Words lie on top.
To be alone with the Alone
He drapes himself in silence
Art, too, is the fruit of silence
Silence is the privilege of the brave
Silent love can only grow in humility
What is extraordinary is always silent
Silence strips man and makes him like a child
Silence is the prerequisite for and leads to love
The man who holds his tongue controls his life
The Father waits for his children in their own hearts
If we remain ourselves we’re full of noise, conceit, anger
Love is always humble, silent, contemplative, on its knees
How is even one moment of prayer imaginable without silence
Wonder, adoration, admiration, and silence, function in tandem
No one encounters God without withdrawing into solitude and silence
Silence is a condition for otherness and a necessity if one is to understand oneself
We can remain silent in the midst of the biggest messes and most despicable commotion
Without the capacity for silence, man is incapable of hearing, loving, and understanding the people around him
Without a strong desire to be rid of oneself, to make oneself small in the presence of the eternal, no conversation with God is possible. Similarly, without mastery of one’s own silence no encounter with the other person is possible.
Source: Cardinal Robert Sarah
The Power of Silence [Ignatius]
Image: Guru on the Mountain
Puts His Finger by Dan Roe
The New Yorker, 1 June 15